Cosmovisor: Setup guide
Cosmovisor Installation Guide
cosmovisor is a process manager for Cosmos SDK application binaries that automates application binary switch at chain upgrades. It polls the upgrade-info.json file that is created by the x/upgrade module at upgrade height, and then can automatically download the new binary, stop the current binary, switch from the old binary to the new one, and finally restart the node with the new binary.
To install the latest version of cosmovisor, run the following command:
go install
To install a previous version, you can specify the version.
go install
Setting up environmental variables Cosmovisor relies on the following environmental variables to work properly:
Env | Description |
DAEMON_NAME (required) | The name of the binary itself (gaiad ,initiad ,...) |
DAEMON_HOME (required) | The location where cosmovisor/ directory is kept that contains the genesis and upgrade binaries. |
DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE (optional) | If set to true, it will restart the process with the new binary after a successful upgrade. |
DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES (optional) | If set to true, it will enable auto-downloading of new binaries (for security reasons, this is intended for full nodes rather than validators) |
UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP (optional) | If set to true, it upgrades directly without performing a backup. |
IMPORTANT: If you don't have much free disk space, please set UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP=true to avoid your node failing the upgrade due to insufficient disk space when creating the backup.
Initialize the Cosmovisor directory following the specific structure outlined below:
├── current -> genesis or upgrades/<name>
├── genesis
│ └── bin
└── upgrades
├── <name>
│ ├── bin
│ │ └── $DAEMON_NAME
│ └── upgrade-info.json
└── <name>
├── bin
└── upgrade-info.json
Example of the cosmovisor setup
Lets assume, that we have to set up cosmosvisor for Initia node:
Define daemon home directory.
Create the cosmovisor directory
mkdir -vp "${daemon_home}/cosmovisor"
Create the genesis directory and download (or build form source) genesis binary version to /cosmovisor/genesis/bin.
It is highly recommended to build binary from the source code, because some of them need special libraries, like libwasmvm or so.
mkdir -vp "${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/genesis/bin"
mkdir -vp "${HOME}/prebuilt_bin"
For Initia node link to genesis binary could be found here. Example for linux/amd64
wget -O "${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/initia_v0.2.15_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz" ${url_for_download}
tar -xzf ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/initia_v0.2.15_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz -C ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/ && \
rm ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/initia_v0.2.15_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
chmod +x ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/initiad
mv ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/initiad ${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/;
mv ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/libmovevm.*.so /usr/lib;
mv ${HOME}/prebuilt_bin/libcompiler.*.so /usr/lib;
Build binary from the source code.
After building the binaries file move/copy it to the /genesis/bin
cp $(which ${daemon}) ${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/;
Now we have to find out upcoming upgrade name to create an upgrade directory in cosmovisor dir.
this info could be extracted from the chain. The only information we need to know - upgrade proposal number.
For Initia the latest upgrade proposal number is:
depends on cosmos sdk version, upcoming upgrade name could be found using public api of upgradable chain. For Initia:
and query the upgrade_info
from the proposal:
upgrade_name=$(curl -s ${api_url}/cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/${upgrade_prop} | jq -r '.proposal.messages[]')
upgrade_name=$(curl -s ${api_url}/cosmos/gov/v1/proposals/${upgrade_prop} | jq -r '.proposal.messages[]')
If upgrade proposal has passed, it is possible to get the upgrade_info
from any cosmos-sdk-based chain:
upgrade_name=$(curl -s ${api_url}/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/current_plan | jq -r '');
check the upcoming upgrade name:
echo ${upgrade_name}
> initiation-stage-2
Create the upgrade directory
mkdir -vp "${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/upgrades/${upgrade_name}/bin"
build binary from the source code (or download prebuilt binary).
move binaries to the "${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/upgrades/${upgrade_name}/bin"
mv "<PATH_TO_NEW_BIN>/initiad" "${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/upgrades/${upgrade_name}/bin"
checkout the bin version:
${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/upgrades/${upgrade_name}/bin/${daemon} version
Important Note!!!
Before creating the service file, please, find out your ${daemon} binary execution command:
${daemon} -h
Usually it is the start
command. But sometimes it could be the run
If this is your case - change in following service file: cosmovisor run start
to cosmovisor run run
Service file for the cosmovisor
creating new service with cosmovisor and setting up environtment (for autodownload new binaries) for binary with the start
execution command:
tee $HOME/${daemon}_cosmovisor.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=$daemon cosmovisor
ExecStart=$(which cosmovisor) run start
Important Note!!!
If you are using a cosmovisor with prebuilt binaries, you better add extra "Environment" line with libraries path, to resolve the missing libs error when start.
For example:
Move service file from $HOME to systemd directory
sudo mv $HOME/${deamon}_cosmovisor.service /etc/systemd/system/${deamon}_cosmovisor.service
Reload daemon, enable and restart service file
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable ${daemon}_cosmovisor
sudo systemctl restart ${daemon}_cosmovisor
check $daemon logs
journalctl -u ${daemon}_cosmovisor -f -o cat
For Example, for Initia daemon service control commands:
sudo systemctl restart initiad_cosmovisor && journalctl -u initiad_cosmovisor -f -o cat
sudo systemctl stop initiad_cosmovisor && systemctl status initiad_cosmovisor
Application' binary link for the cosmovisor
If you are syncing the chain from the scratch with cosmovisor help, then you should use the "genesis" binary and corresponding directory. Creating the link to the genesis binary:
cd ${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/
ln -sfn ${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/genesis/ current
if you are going to use cosmovisor for some arbitrary non genesis binary (the cosmovisor installation for "live" chain), you should set up cosmovisor' working directory to the right version of binary file and create a symlink to that new target:
ln -sfn ${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/upgrades/${upgrade_name}/ current
Check the сorrectness of symlink:
${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/current/bin/${daemon} version
Urgent upgrades
Sometimes there is a necessity to perform an urgent upgrade at random upgrade_height
without the upgrade proposal. In this case you can manually use add-upgrade
cosmovisor function:
for example:
cosmovisor add-upgrade ${upgrade_name} ${path_to_new_binary} --force --upgrade-height ${upgrade_height}
${daemon_home}/cosmovisor/upgrades/${upgrade_name}/bin/${daemon} version
Important Note!!!
Don't restart your service until the upgrade happens. In that case cosmovisor will perform the upgrade prior to the planned upgrade_height
and you can get the "AppHash error" !!!
More information you can find in the official cosmovisor repository.